George Savage

1847 Estate Inventory

I personally copied this abridged, 1847 inventory of George Savage's estate. Unfortunately, I left out many names and items due to time constraints and a lack of apparent significance. I have reduced it further to conserve server space ... WES,Jr

Inventory & Appraisal Personal Estate of George Savage (of John)


3 old ploughs E.J. Savage 0.50
2 hogsheads E.J. Savage 0.50
1 spinning wheel E.J. Savage 1.00
1 pair sheep shears E.J. Savage 0.20
2 clam rakes E.J. Savage 0.13
5 bushels Irish potatoes E.J. Savage 2.00
1 horse cart & harness Harriet 12.00
1 tub with grease in it E.J. Savage 0.75
1 Dutch fan Harriet 8.00
100 bushels of oats E.J. Savage 30.00
6 purple plates E.J. Savage 0.20
1 decantor & 3 tumblers E.J. Savage 0.20
4 silver teaspoons E.J. Savage 1.00
6 Windsor chairs E.J. Savage 1.80
64 pounds feathers E.J. Savage 16.00
1 blue pine chest E.J. Savage 1.50
5 sheep 1st choice E.J. Savage 6.25
1 young ox Henry Bagwell 9.00
1 yellow cow Nelson 4.00
1 Negro girl Harriet 275.00
1500 pounds pork E.J. Savage 120.00
15 Dunghill-(sp?) fowl E.J. Savage 1.87
1 bed quilt E.J. Savage 0.62

Notes and References:

Inventories 1844-1849 pp. 278-283

Page updated January 8, 2004 (wls)

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