First Generation

1. Ethelred Ii, "The1 England was born in of, Wessex, England about 968. Ethelred died April 23, 1016 in london, MIDDLESEX, England, England, at 47 years of age. His body was interred in St. Paul's, london, MIDDLESEX, England.

He married Emma, Princess Of Normandy [QUEEN OF ENGLAN in of Normandy, France, 1002. Emma, was born in normandy, France, normandy, France about 982. Emma, was the daughter of Richard I "The Normandy and Gonnor De Crepon Queen. Emma, died March 6, 1052 in Winchester, Hants, England, England, at 69 years of age. Her body was interred in St. Martins Chur, Winchester, Hants, Eng. Emma, was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints May 14, 1878. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was endowed April 5, 1883. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was sealed to her parents August 6, 1924. Temple Code: temple code unknown. Emma, and Ethelred Ii, "The England were sealed May 15, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown.

Ethelred was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints May 21, 1927. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was endowed August 30, 1928. Temple Code: temple code unknown. Ethelred and Emma, Princess Of Normandy [QUEEN OF ENGLAN were sealed May 15, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was sealed to his parents May 19, 1954. Temple Code: SL. Line 5338 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Ethelred II "The Unready" King Of /ENGLAND/ Line 2957 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Ethelred II "The Unready" King Of /ENGLAND/ Line 3779 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Ethelred II "The Unready" King Of /ENGLAND/ Line 5302 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Ethelred II "The Unready" King Of /ENGLAND/

Ethelred Ii, "The England and Emma, Princess Of Normandy [QUEEN OF ENGLAN had the following children:

child 2 i. Alfred Prince Of2 England was born in Wessex, England about 1002. Alfred died about 1036 in England. Alfred was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 12, 1930. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was endowed December 11, 1930. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was sealed to his parents May 18, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown.

child 3 ii. Edward Iii "The England was born in Islip, Oxfordshire, England about 1004. Edward died January 5, 1066 in England, at 61 years of age. Edward was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints May 21, 1927. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was endowed August 30, 1928. Temple Code: temple code unknown. He was sealed to his parents May 18, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown.

child 4 iii. Goda (Godgifu) Princess England [COUNTESS OF VEX was born in of, Wessex, England about 1004. Goda died about 1055 in England. Goda was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints December 31, 1932. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was endowed February 15, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was sealed to her parents May 18, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown.

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