As of 13:46 it is 24 degrees Wind chill is 12 Barometric pressure is 30.55 and rising
Winds are from the north at 16 knots Chesapeake Bay temperature is 34
Sunrise 7:13 AM, sunset 5:15 PM
The Moon is Waning Crescent (42%)
Click here for a full report
Tomorrow, Buy one get one free entrees (equal or lesser value) at The Oyster Farm 4-8 pm.
Friday 24 Jan, Bingo at Exmore Moose Lodge 683. Doors open at 5 PM and games start at 6:30 PM. Food served
Saturday 25 Jan, VFW POST 2296breakfast 0800 all are welcome
Saturday 25 Jan, Book signing! Join us at Book Bin, in Onley, VA at 10am for a meet and greet with Christopher Slavens, the author of 1742, a true story of the Nanticote Indians' plot to take back the Eastern Shore.