
Northampton Co,Va. 4th(?)Nov.1823. Died in Northampton Co. 30th(?)Mayl9O6 Age 83years. Benjamin Dunton and Sallie Churn were married 27th March, @/!1816 . Southey S.Wilkins and Kiturah Dunton daughter of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton were married in Northampton Co,Va. AD 1842 (Marriage Book I gives the date as 27th March,1843.1 James S.Dunton son of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton born in North- ampton Co,Va. AD 1820. Mary Dunton daughter of Benjamin &Sallie Dunton born in North- ampton Co,Va. AD 1827 Died in Northampton Co. AD 1852. --7-- Joseph Dunton son of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton born in North- ampton Co,Va. 12 Feb.AD 1839. Died AD !921 Age 82 years. James P.Doughty son of James and Susan Doughty and Sarah Dunton daughter of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton were married in Northampton Co.on the 4th March 1847. James S.Dunton son of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton and Mary Churn @daughter of Wm & ... Churn were married in Northampton Co,Va. AD 1850 ( 1853 Joseph B.Dunton son of Benjamin & Sallie Dunton and Ellen daughter of Wm.&...Churnwere married-in Northampton Co,Va. AD.... Benjamin Dunton son of Joseph & Ellen Dunton and Sallie Fatherly daughter of Henry & Patsy Fatherly were married ... James Benjamin Doughty son of James P.& Sarah Doughty born id Northam.pton Co,Va. on 27th March 1848. Died in North- ;ampton Co.20 June AD1921. James Henry Doughty son of James P.& Sarah Doughty born in Northampton Co,Va. on the 8th May AD 1849 Died in Northamp- to Co.on the 25ih of Nov.AD1936 Age 87years,6 months & 17 Dys Benjamin Doughty son of James P.& Sarah Doughty born in North- ampton Co,Va. on the 5th Dec 1827. Died in Northampton Co.on the 22'Nov.AD 1853. John Henry Douglitv son of James-P.& Sarah Doughty and Virginia S.Fitchett daughter of Edward & Mary Fitchett were married in Northampton Co,Va. Nov 3 AD 1875. John'Wilkins son of Southey S.& Kiturah Wilkins born in North- ampton Co,Va.on the 12th day of November AD 1843. Died in 'Northampton Co. on' the day of his birth AD 1843.

Joh. He.ry Doughty son of Jame. P.& Sarah Di.ghty ..d Mary E, Brickhouse daughter f job, S-ead -ere married in ,Co,Va.,onythe.3@d N.@@1887. J-hn.H nr D. ghty @- of the @d Deborah Costin t-@ @ W--C-sti- -are .allied i. Northampton Co,ya.on the 24th jday f Dec.AD 1897. Benjamin Wilkins son of Southey & Kiturah Wilki.s born in Northampton Co,,Va. on the 12th day of November AD 1843. Southey Spady Wilki.s S.- of Southey & Kit.@ah Wilki.s born i. N.rthapt.n C.,Va. .. the 30th day f July AD 1859. Bap- Liz.d 1861 by Re@.L.the@ Nottingham. Died in Northampton C.. on the 30th day f July AD 1950. Age 91 years. James Andre. Doughty so. of Jame. P.& Sarah Doughty born i. Northampton C.,V.. n the 23rd Ja. AD 1853. Died in Wachs- preag.e Va. he 12 th Dec AD 1921. Oscar R.1a.donDo.tgh,y on of Ja .es P.& Sarah Doughty bo,n i. Northa.pton Co,Va. 28th March AD 1858. @ijoho R"land Doughty on of Oscar Roland Doughty born in Balti- "Id . . . "m" Andre. Doughty son of James P.& Sarah Doughty nd Ca@o- line Dunton daughter of John & E.ile@e ere married i,. ck Co,Va. AD 1880. Oscar Roland Doughty so. of James P.& Sarah Doughty and Grace McAllister ere married i. N.. York City AD 1890. Joseph E.F.Do.ghty so. of James P.& Sarah Doughty born i. Northampton Co,Va. o. the 10th May 1860. Joseph E.Do.ghty so. of James P.& Sarah Doughty and Willi.tta Fit@hett daughter of J.P.& Maggie Fitchett ere ar@ied 1. Northampton Co,Va. AD 1893. 1S of ,@arah.Woodson Doughty Doughty daughter Joh. & Virginia y born in Ace..a@k Co,Va. n the 28th J,ly 1376 Died n Northampton Co. on the 7th F@b Al) 1936. Age 59yrs,6 ons & I0 dys, Grace A.Do.ghty daughter of John & Mary Doughty born in Northampton Co,Va. on the 18th May AD 1893. Bapti.ed June 18 1897 by Re@ Driscoll. Sara D:borahCG@i.alds daughter of Clarence & Grace C,i@.1d. born i the ity of Norfolk,Va. on April 9th AD 1924. B.pti.- ad on Easter Sunday AD 1934 by Re@.Donnahoe. Clarenc!, son of Henry & Maggie Grinaids and Grace A.Dough daughter of John & Mary Doughty ere married in Cap- Charles,Va.c@ the 14th of October AD 1922.

Sara Deborah Grinalds ... Mary Rose Grinalds Henry Fletcher Griiialds Mary Rose Grinalds daughter of Clarence & Grace Grinalds born in the City of Norfolk,Va on the 24th of October AD 1925. Henry Fletcher Grinalds son of Clarence & Grace Grinalds born in the City of Norfolk,Va. on 21st December AD 1927 Sara Deborah Grinalds daughter of Clarence & Grace Grinalds born in Norfolk,Va. on the 9th April AD 1924. Baptized on Easter Sunday AD1934 by Rev Donnahoe. Mary Rose Grinalds daughter of Clarence & Grace Grinalds and James H.Robertson son of James H.& Pearl M.Robertson were married in South Mi.Ils,N.Carolina on the 2nd January AD 1945. Wilton C.L.Erlandson son of Zack & Harriet Eriandson and Sara D.Orinalds daughter of Clarence & Grace (3rinalds were married in Jacksonville,Florida on the 24th November AD 1944 by Rev Kessling. Mary Rose Robertson and Cliff.Gleason were married in Richmoni Va. December 20th 1963. James Clarence Robertson son of James & Mary R.Robertson born in the City of Norfolk,Vi. on the ist of October AD 1943. Judith Kay Erlandson daughter of Wilton & Sara Erlandson bor in Picaul,SDakota on the 14th of March .4.D 1946. Baptized by Rev.R.M.Walker. Rebecca Jean Erlandson daughter of Sara & Wilton Erlandson bo in Norfolk,Va. on the 14th December AD 1949. Baptized 2nd Apr AD 1950 by Rev M.F.Draper. Ronald Eugene Hill son of Hugh & Garnett Hill and Judith Kay Eriandson daughter of Wilton & Sara Erlp-ndson were married in Shiloh.N.Carolina on the 30th day of June AD 1964., Barbara Lee Grinalds daughter of Henry "-.& Josephine Knox Gri nalds born in Spokane,Washington on the 22nd of September 195 Nancy Jo Gririalds daughter of Henry F.& Josephine Grinalds born in Spokaii,--,'V#'ashington the lst of D,:-:ember AD 1952. Karen Beth Crinalds daughter of Henry F.& Josepnine Grinalds born on the 10t-.h August AD 1956. Henry Fletcher Grinalds son of Clarence C.& Grace D.Grinalds and Josephine Knox daughter of Paul & ... Knox were married in Lewistown, Montana on the 16th of August AD 1947. Randall Knox (,ririalds son of Henry F.& .'osephine Grinalds bor September 20th, 1959. Charles Hugh Hill son of Ronald E.& Judic@h E.Hill born in Eli abeth City,N.Carolina on the 12th of April AD 1965.

Tina Marie Hill daughter of Ronald E.& Judith E.Hill barn in Portsmouth,Va.on the 30th of April 1966. Thomas Eugene Hill son of Ronald E.& Judith E.Hill born in Elizabeth City, the 8th of August AD 1967. Deborah Sue Hill Daughter of Ronald E. & Judith E.Hill born in Portsmouth.Va. the 24th of November AD 1969. Copied and typed for this compliation by Jean M.Mihalyka in September,1990.

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